Merry Christmas
from the Muries

The holidays are here. I haven't begun shopping, but I'm not worried about it. I told a friend that fact the other day and she began having an anxiety attack for me. It's fun to get things and to give things, but it's not the most important thing. We are trying to help our kids focus on Jesus and take care of each other - we'll shop eventually!
Joel Caleb is practicing piano and my other 3 children are taking turns sliding down the stairs. There is much laughter in our home right now. We have rooms filled with toys, but none are in sight. The stairs are taking their place tonight! Maybe I don't need to shop for Christmas...bah humbug. Just kidding.
Unfortunately, I will soon disrupt these joy-filled squeals announcing, "Bedtime!"

Today has been a quiet day - in that it hasn't involved us going anywhere. Inside we haven't had much quiet at all. But, we did accomplish one thing today. We took pictures. Well, I took pictures of the kids.
Merry Christmas!